John Lennon’s Last Song: Unveiling The Hidden Melody Using AI

Aveek Bhowmik
3 min readJun 17, 2023

Just a few days ago, a news story captured my attention. Paul McCartney disclosed that a never-before-heard Beatles recording, made possible by artificial intelligence (AI), is set to grace our ears later this year. He also revealed that he used the AI technology to “extricate” the voice of none other than John Lennon from a long-forgotten demo, thereby fulfilling the vision for a song that had remained unfinished for decades.

In other words, McCartney is diligently working to present us with the concluding chapter in the Beatles’ legendary musical odyssey, all thanks to the mind-bending capabilities of AI.

John Lennon image generated using artificial intelligence.

Forgotten Treasure: ‘Now And Then’ And Its Unfulfilled Destiny

Hidden in the dust of time, there was an old cassette labeled “For Paul.” It held Lennon’s music, a melody left unfinished and waiting to be heard after many years.

Lennon kept it a secret, but some believe it might be the mysterious “Now and Then,” one of the songs he recorded shortly before his passing in 1980. It was a heartfelt love song, a gift that passed from Lennon to McCartney through Yoko Ono in 1994. It could have been the triumphant anthem for a Beatles reunion.

But unfortunately, the story took an unexpected turn. In 1995, when the remaining Beatles were considering a comeback, “Now and Then” emerged as a potential reunion song. However, fate had other plans, and the project was put on hold. “Now and Then” became a forgotten treasure, buried deep in the archives of musical history, until now.

‘Free As A Bird’ And ‘Real Love’ Keep The Flame Alive

Although the dream of bringing “Now and Then” to life remained unfulfilled, fans were treated to two other remarkable songs: “Free As a Bird” and “Real Love.” These songs offered a fleeting glimpse into Lennon’s genius, leaving us yearning for more.

Now, fast forward to today, and thanks to the power of AI, we are on the verge of experiencing Lennon’s voice once again, woven into the fabric of “Now and Then.”

As I delved deeper into this extraordinary development, I couldn’t help but reflect on the profound impact that AI has already had on the realm of music. From enhancing the listening experience to facilitating the creative process, AI has become an indispensable tool for musicians and enthusiasts alike.

AI In Music: Resurrecting Kurt Cobain’s Voice 27 Years After His Passing

One of the most remarkable instances of AI’s integration into the music industry occurred when the iconic voice of Kurt Cobain was resurrected for a never-before-heard Nirvana song, about 27 years after the musician’s untimely demise at the age of 27. This awe-inspiring feat showcased the remarkable ability of AI to not only recreate an artist’s voice but also capture the very essence of their musical style and emotion.

As I ponder the implications of the collaboration between Sir Paul McCartney and AI to bring John Lennon’s final song to fruition, I can’t help but feel a sense of exhilaration. This marriage of human artistry and technological innovation is destined to redefine the very nature of music creation and consumption.

Bringing Unrealised Visions Left Behind By Our Musical Legends To Life

Imagine the possibilities that lie ahead. With the aid of AI, we can dive into the vast repositories of unfinished symphonies, forgotten melodies, and unrealised visions left behind by our musical legends. This groundbreaking technology has the power to breathe new life into these artistic relics, ensuring that their legacies endure for generations to come.

We are standing on the precipice of an era where the boundaries of imagination are pushed further, where artists can collaborate with the genius of the past, and where the legacy of musical icons can continue to inspire and captivate.

The possibilities are limitless, and the future promises a harmonious symphony of human brilliance and technological marvels.



Aveek Bhowmik

A curious traveller and sports buff, I'm drawn to food, history, cultures & communities. Let’s chat: